“Busy, busy, busy!” Erica said, “What do you need!?” The tables were set, the gift bags were placed, the playlist was rolling, and the food was ready. But if I could just fix this one thing…and that! Then everything would be perfect. “What. Do. You. Need?” She asked again.
I needed to be busy. Because if I stopped spinning, even for a second, I would notice the sun shining too perfectly on a Saturday afternoon in September. I would see almost everyone I’ve ever called “best friend” crowding the corner of one table. I’d take in my mother, in her signature hat, making friends with my friends and patiently awaiting the fruits of her child’s labor. I would hear Tess Henley’s “Positively Me” for the third time that day and the creative, beautiful, electricity buzzing through the air would shock me in my heart and I would surely die, or worse, cry (again).
It still feels strange to hear people mention Moredinary as if it weren’t recently conceptualized in my notebook. It’s comparable to someone voicing their approval of a private love letter. I flinch every time. Three months ago, She Who Believes was a favorite blog post from April. Moredinary was a paper-clipped section in my Black & Red. It was my whole heart and purpose inked out across a few pages. I had my notebook, a bright idea, and very little time to execute it.
You’ll forgive what may be viewed as arrogance here when I say that it comes as no surprise to me that I pulled it off. Once I set my heart to something, be it three months, five minutes, or five years prior, consider it a done deal. I will paint, peg, and lace vision boards until 2:00 am for three weeks straight. I will tape my fingers raw, trying to perfect a goody bag gift. I will glue a million rhinestones around a 1/4 cm surface until I’m not sure whether it’s glue or my skin that I’m biting from my nail beds. I will tape, cut, stick, buy, borrow, collect, e-mail, and organize until I can’t think straight enough to spell my name correctly, and I’d do it all for her.
Moredinary’s She Who Believes, in its entirety, from notebook to 1650 Columbia Road, was planned, arranged, and executed for her. For the revolutionary. For the the visionary. For the woman who shuns a prescribed, ordinary life. For the creative. For she who dreams while she’s awake. For the the strong, intelligent, vibrant spirit, who– like every other woman– needs a little soul stirring from time to time.
It was my hope that “Cut the Can’t” would alter her mindset in a way that would allow her to give power to possibility. It was my hope that “If the Shoe Fits” would open her eyes to the beauty of
her potential growth. It was my hope that whatever magic guest facilitator and Life Coach, Ayana Coston, spoke over the room would resonate with at least one soul. It was my hope that the simple task of clipping words and pictures from a magazine would enable her to visualize her way to her ideal life. I wanted “Tap That” to leave her feeling warm, fuzzy, and appreciated from shoulder to toe. I wanted our “photo booth” to introduce her to her newest friend. It was my hope that she would leave feeling connected, inspired, and ready for more Moredinary events.
I wanted each session to dare her to claim and believe in her own vision. From the looks of the vision boards, though, she already had that down pat. I was absolutely blown away by what these women did with their vision boards. Some took items from the goody bags and glued them on. Some stuck words and pictures around the outside of the frame. Some color coordinated their visions. It. was. Amazing. I was told by a friend that no woman left She Who Believes unchanged. That includes myself.
Aside from feeling astounded by the attendees and grateful for their participation, I purposely left She Who Believes that Saturday feeling empty. Unlike my experiences at events like See. Speak. Feel. and The Certified 10 Back 2 Basics series (both one and two!), this event wasn’t about me. At She Who Believes, I was on the giving end. And I had given of myself all that I could. I left with the hollow satisfaction of an empty lemonade pitcher still soaked with condensation on a summer day.
Would I do it all again with the same effort, same expenses, same time constraints, and same enthusiasm? I’m going to say no. You just pretend you don’t see my heart side-eyeing me. Just kidding! Round 2 is already in the works. Who’s ready for more Moredinary!?
I honestly couldn’t decide which photos to post here, so I’ll post half a million. Click to enlarge. Enjoy!
*HUGE Thanks to our other event sponsors: Randi Gloss of GLOSSRAGS, Ashley Wilson of Sacred Rebel, Jheanell of Jolie Bloom and Tyece Wilkins of Twenties Unscripted. As well as to Jame Jackson of The Blonde Misfit and Nikki Merriweather for the photos!
**If you attended and haven’t taken the survey, please do so here.
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